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Right now, everyone is a self-proclaimed adventurer. The internet is flooded with pictures of people posing from popular destinations, sitting on palm-fringed beaches and eating exotic food, hashtagged #wanderlust. So much so, that it contradicts the true meaning of exploring, which is to go where it’s uncharted, beyond the comfortable choices and off those beaten tracks. Often enough, travel and hospitality businesses use these populist narratives; so, we were quite excited to get a client that wanted to stay away from the trending narratives and lean into their authenticity. Let’s look at some story examples from our long-term client the Spice Trail—a fantastic string of boutique hotels for families and surfers—that has a pronounced Explorer archetype in their business persona.

With the Spice Trail, we make sure to bring out the traits that highlight their sense of adventure, resourcefulness and ability to stay authentic despite shifts in time and place. A business with an Explorer persona like the Spice Trail leverages visuals and themes that signify ideas of journeying, new places, and surfing, which tie in with its target audience's affinities.

When it comes to story narratives, the classic arc of adventure where a protagonist embarks on a quest, gains an extraordinary experience, and returns transformed is always a great option for Explorer businesses because it can be interpreted with new experiences beyond the beaten path; like how to get somewhere, surf expeditions, lesser-known histories, or navigating major changes through symbolic journeys

It’s interesting to create stories that speak to the Explorer archetype in the audience too; we created a story series to give away to guests, as postcards. This was a way to create common ground with their audience who are travelers and within a frame of mind that appreciates journeying and adventure.

The Explorer’s authenticity shines the brightest when they’re tested with challenges that make it harder to stay true to their core. We created a story to help the Spice Trail’s resident restaurant to communicate how they stayed true to their offer during Sri Lanka’s economic crisis (You get to see the backend of our story design process here; what we call a story outline identifying the key ingredients of the story from the key messages and story facts. Scroll down in the linked document to see the finished story). This was a story designed to show how an Explorer persona used its superpower to stay true to itself in the thick of changes using a seriously challenging context where the government had imposed strict import restrictions leading to ingredient limitations for their eclectic menu based on recipes around the world. 

When designing these stories, we moved away from populist travel narratives so our client’s authenticity is highlighted. As much as the popular narratives are useful pointers to what consumers want and desire right now, a business that only follows the trends misses the mark when it comes to authenticity. So, while we use popular narratives to understand what audiences are interested in, we help our clients share stories that are new, more interesting and authentic.

Our most frequent Explorer brand clients are in hospitality, food & beverages, and recreation. We encourage them to share more stories about the Explorer’s quest itself, the transformation it delivers or those involving truly uncharted experiences. To find out how we can tell your stories, get in touch. To ask us questions and get custom consultations, become a paid subscriber, or ask us about the story membership. 

Like our stories? Read these stories featuring a personal viewpoint on what it means to really travel, and how we follow a story, from our co-creators Shamalee and Alain.

Archetype: Explorer

Rasa: Kāruṇyam

Explorer stories tend to emphasize personal freedom and the breaking of conventional boundaries. In this month’s list listen to Forest Swords's song "Crow," where haunting soundscapes evoke the thrill of the unknown. Look at Aaron Siskind’s "Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation," capturing the emotional duality of exploration through powerful imagery. Think about Ian Bremmer's inspiring speech, "Don't Drink the Poison," urging graduates to embrace uncertainty with courage and curiosity. Discover Satisfy's "Equipment for our World" campaign, showcasing gear designed for adventurous spirits. Finally, be inspired by Van Neistat’s series "The Spirited Man," celebrating creative living and the relentless quest for new experiences.

Listen to…

  • Forest Swords's song "Crow" parallels the explorer archetype through its atmospheric and haunting soundscape that evokes a sense of mystery and discovery. The song's evolving layers and experimental structure reflect the explorer’s journey into the unknown, embracing uncertainty and seeking new experiences. The music creates a mood that evokes mystery and introspection, often associated with the journey of an explorer.

Look at…

  • Aaron Siskind, an influential American photographer known for his abstract expressionist images, captures the essence of the explorer archetype in his series "Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation." The tension between pleasure and terror in the images reflects the emotional duality faced by explorers as they navigate uncharted territories, experiencing both the thrill of discovery and the anxiety of uncertainty. 

Think about…

  • In his commencement speech to the 2024 graduating class at Columbia University; titled "Don't Drink the Poison," Ian Bremmer emphasizes the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the courage to navigate an unpredictable world—qualities central to the explorer archetype. Bremmer urges them to approach challenges with curiosity and an open mind, akin to an explorer's adventurous spirit. He highlights the necessity of forging one's path and embracing the unknown, paralleling the explorer's journey of self-discovery and transformation. 

Products and services

  • The "Equipment for our World" campaign by Satisfy, a business known for its lifestyle and high-performance running gear, is an example of a commercial story channelling the explorer archetype. This campaign emphasizes the idea of venturing into the great outdoors equipped with gear designed for resilience and adaptability. The campaign's imagery and messaging reflect a spirit of curiosity and adventure. By highlighting the balance between performance and the unknown, Satisfy captures the emotional duality of the explorer's experience. The transformative nature of exploration is often leveraged to signify personal growth and self-discovery.

Lifestyle and inspiration

  • Van Neistat, an acclaimed filmmaker and storyteller, embodies the explorer archetype in his series "The Spirited Man." Through this series, Neistat delves into the art of living with creativity, resilience, and a relentless curiosity for the world. The episodes highlight his journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of unconventional paths, mirroring the explorer's quest for new experiences and knowledge. Neistat’s storytelling captures the essence of independence and the courage to challenge the status quo, encouraging viewers to embrace the unknown and transform their lives. The series resonates with the explorer's spirit of adventure and growth, showcasing how confronting and navigating life's uncertainties can lead to profound personal transformation and a deeper understanding of oneself.

Archetype: Explorer

Rasa: Kāruṇyam

The book cover said “Be Thou an Example”; I felt old all of a sudden…

Up the street from our house, there's a shop with hundreds of old books. We went looking for a NATGEO magazine for my birthday.

There’s this thing we do. We hunt for an issue printed on the day our friends were born; look and see what was remarkable at that time. Think of it like a horoscope; shot in Kodachrome film.

Page 47 is earmarked with a receipt that tells me if I lose; things will be very difficult. But the shop didn’t have my birthday issue. In fact; 1989 was the earliest they had. It occurred to me right then and there, that I was older than most people’s NATGEO subscription.

“As You Like It” said the other title; in a stack of Shakespear books. So I stopped myself from analyzing the meaning of all this and left immediately.

But not before getting the JUNE 1989, NATGEO issue; “The March Towards Extinction.”

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