Silence is not an empty place.
It bears all the nights ever spent adrift alone in thought
in the vast ocean of black and white
towering up to the edge of what we know.Silence is not an empty place because
it’s where all the fires of extinguished candles burn.To think silence dead, to think it still, is brutal and brash even if the idea is presented dressed in modern sensibility.
We are no strangers to silence.
We are simply in boxes of noise and behind veils of sound;
But, they can be pierced, broken.
You can walk right up to the open fields of silence.But, keep in mind,
silence is not an empty place.Be ready.
This large work of collage art, 'Floating sage', is by Alain Parizeau based on visions seen during seven days spent in complete silence.
Floating sage: framed collage art
48” W x 78.5” H